💎 Add-on feature This feature is only available when purchased the Customer Management add-on. Please contact iot@kpn.com if your are interested!
With Customer Management, you get the possibility to manage your own customers using separate customer environment in KPN Things. It is an extra administrative layer in the KPN Things Portal.
If you have Customer Management enabled in your KPN Things license, you will have an additional link in your side menu: All Customers (as indicated in the screenshot below). Click on it to open your customer list.
After clicking All Customers in the side menu, you will get an overview of all your customers.
In the screenshot the following elements are highlighted:
The number of Customers in your current view and your total number of Customers.
The company name of your Customer.
The name of the primary contact of your Customer.
The number of Projects your Customer has.
The number of Devices your Customer has.
The number of Destinations your Customer has.
A quick link to the All Devices page of your Customer.
Clicking on a row in the table will direct you to the Customer details page of the selected Customer.
A search bar to search for a specific Customer name.
After opening one of your Customers, your submenu will change. The top part will stay the same and will provide you a way back to your own Customer environment (#1 in the screenshot below). The bottom part of the side menu will now show you navigation for the environment of your Customer (#2 in the screenshot below), allowing you to open and/or manage the objects in the environment of your Customer.
Adding new Customers will be added later. For now, if you want to add a new Customer, you should contact our service desk.
The Customer overview page provides you with a quick overview of the environment of your customer.
On this page you find:
A summary of the properties of your Customer.
A link to the Customer details.
The number of Projects of your Customer and a link to those Projects.
The number of Devices of your Customer and a link to those Devices.
The number of Destinations of your Customer and a link to those Destinations.
Quick links to add new objects to your Customer (buttons are disabled if you do not have rights)
After switching to the Customer environment, you see the Customer details page. This page gives you a quick overview of the Customer details, like name and email address.
The Project type determines what you can and may do in KPN Things Portal. Some KPN Things Projects provide you with more features in the Portal than others.
Depending on the subscription of your Project, one or more of the following restrictions can apply:
You can find applicable restrictions on the of a Project.
A project has the following attributes:
UUID - the technical identifier of your project.
Name - the name you give to your project.
Description (optional) - further explanation of your project.
Creation date - the moment your project was created.
Subscription - the type of project you have, determined by what product you bought.
The Freemium Project gives you free limited access to the KPN Things Portal:
One Project in KPN Things Portal.
Integrated KPN LoRa functionality:
Free registration of up to 3 devices to KPN's nationwide LoRaWAN network.
Insight in LoRaWAN network communication.
Additionally, you can order KPN Things SIM cards to connect M2M devices to KPN Things:
Connect up to 2 M2M devices to KPN Things for free.
Data communication over HTTP (MQTT will be available in the future).
Access to our LTE-M, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G networks.
European roaming included.
You can find your Projects by clicking on your Customer name in the left menu. If you are a free user, you will get one project named My first project.
Do you want to upgrade one of your Projects? Click on Upgrade.
When clicking a project you go to the Project overview page. It gives you an overview of a selected Project:
You can see the name, description and type of subscription of the selected project.
On this page you will find technical details of your project. At the project details page, you can edit the name and description of your project yourself.
Access to our to get you started with programming your Device.
Free use of .
Optional payload for supported device types.
Forward your data to up to 3 different .
KPN Things access is subject to your .
Link to the .
You can also see which , and are part of this project.
End date
The moment your project will expire. Make sure to extend your Project before this date to prevent loss of data.
Device limit
The maximum number of unique devices allowed in your Project. Devices that are linked to multiple Flows in the Project only count as one.
Flow limit
The maximum number of Flows allowed in your Project.
Destination limit
The maximum number of Destinations allowed in your Project. Destinations that are linked to multiple Flows.
will count for the number of links they have in this Project.
Allowed Device types
The device types that are available in your project. Learn more about device types.
Allowed Network types
The type of networks that are available in this Project.
There are 2 types of accounts: a and a .
Both types of account are part of our GRIP platform. Grip is developed by KPN to provide secure and easy access to your (KPN) applications. Through the GRIP Portal you can manage your KPN application subscriptions and you can perform user management. The exact functionality you have in the GRIP Portal depends on the subscriptions you have for different KPN products. .
If you have registered for free for the , you have acquired a KPN Developer account. With this free account you also get a .
Are you interested to use KPN Things with your company? Or do you already have a MijnKPN Zakelijk account and do you want to add KPN Things to the products you are purchasing from KPN? Please contact our sales support through iot@kpn.com for more information. .
Do you wish to delete your account? Please send an email to iot@kpn.com with the request to be deleted from the KPN Things Portal.
Please attach a screenshot of your Profile page so we have the right information to remove your credentials from our system.
The Customer Details page can be reached through the account menu drop down (in the top right of the Portal interface).
This page shows you the details of the subscription you or your company has on KPN Things.
On this page you see the general details of your KPN Things account:
The customer details we have on you.
The unique Customer ID of your account. Useful when contacting support.
Log into the GRIP Portal as administrator.
If you have a KPN Developer account, you will be administrator in the GRIP Portal.
If you have a MijnKPN Zakelijk account, you should ask your local administrator for access.
To be able to create API Keys, you need to be an administrator in the GRIP Portal.
Then, open the Admin panel using the role drop down (#1 in the screenshot), click on Identity in the side menu (#2 in the screenshot) and click on Users (#3 in the screenshot). This brings you to the User management page. Now, click Add to add a new User (#4 in the screenshot).
In the following pop-up, fill in the details of the new User. Then click Add to create your new User.
You need to give your newly created User access to the KPN Things service before you can use it. For this, click on Services and roles (#1 in the screenshot), and click on Add a service (#2 in the screenshot).
A modal will open. Click on the checkbox next to KPN Things (#1 in the screenshot), then select the desired role(s) and access level(s) (#2 in the screenshot) for your new User and hit Add (#3 in the screenshot).
Then, click Save to finally give your User access to KPN Things.
When adding new User or API key for KPN Things, one or more Roles must be selected to grant the User or API Key a set of permissions. The below list shows the available roles for KPN Things and describes what levels of access each of the roles gives to the user in KPN Things.
The GRIP tenant ID of your account, useful when starting to use .
You can add new users and manage your users in the GRIP Portal, which is accessible through the link: .
Learn more about .
Things Manager Admin
Full management access to the Things Manager
To Add/Update/Remove all objects, like devices, flows, destinations etc.
Things Manager Editor
Partial management access to the Things Manager
To Add/Update objects like devices, flows, etc., but not to Remove those objects
Things Manager Read-only
Read-only access to the Things Manager
To View all objects, but not to Add/Update or Remove any of those objects
Things Support
Access to the support pages in the Things Portal
To View all support pages and documentation
Finance Read-only
Access to costs and contract in the Things Portal
To View the predicted costs of the current month and items and discounts on your contract
Things Creator Admin
Full management access to the Things Creator
To Add/Update/Remove your own device types, decoders and scripts.
Things Creator Read-Only
Read-only access to the Things Creator
To View your own device types, decoders and scripts.
Each company has a Customer Account. You can create multiple users within this Customer Account.
Projects describe your commercial plan and available features. One Customer Account can have multiple projects.
Upon request we can create a 'Reseller account' account for you, so that you can manage IoT solutions for your customers. Learn more about Customer management
The cost overview and contract described here are not available yet, but will be coming soon!
Users with an Explorer or Modular contract can view their contract and costs per billing cycle in the KPN Things Portal. To view the costs and contract, enable access by assigning the Finance Read-only role to your users in GRIP. See Roles and Access Levels on the Customer accounts & users page.
To see an overview of the costs per billing cycle, click on your Customer name in the menu on the left. The Account card should show an item called Costs overview if at least one of your projects has an Explorer or Modular contract.
Click on the item Costs overview to navigate to the Costs Overview page. This page shows the costs that will end up on your invoices in a table and a chart. The costs are split per type; one time costs such as hardware, recurring costs, and usage. The costs are shown with any applicable discounts subtracted.
Click on a row in the Costs table or on one of the bars in the chart to navigate to the Costs Details page of that billing cycle.
Under Base details, some information about the billing cycle is shown. The items and discounts are shown under Items and Discounts. The costs for the current month are a forecast of the next invoice and will be updated periodically during the billing cycle. Keep in mind that the actual invoice may contain additional costs and/or discounts not visible on this page.
The buttons Previous and Next above the card on the right allow you to navigate to the previous or next billing cycle.
Each project can have a contract linked by an operator of KPN. Navigating to the Project Overview page of that project shows the Project card with an item with the name of the contract.
Click on the contract line to navigate to the Contract Details. Under Base details, some general information about the contract is shown.
Under Implementation, it is shown to which project the contract is linked. The items and discounts are shown per charge type, which can be one time, recurring, or usage. The items are subsequently grouped per product family. The regular price of each item is shown in the column Unit price in each row with a bold name. Optional tiered discounts is shown below each row to which it applies. The actual discount depends on the quantity, whose range is shown in the columns From and To. These columns are visible only if the contract has at least one item which has tiered discounts.