The Project type determines what you can and may do in KPN Things Portal. Some KPN Things Projects provide you with more features in the Portal than others.
Depending on the subscription of your Project, one or more of the following restrictions can apply:
End date
The moment your project will expire. Make sure to extend your Project before this date to prevent loss of data.
Device limit
The maximum number of unique devices allowed in your Project. Devices that are linked to multiple Flows in the Project only count as one.
Flow limit
The maximum number of Flows allowed in your Project.
Destination limit
The maximum number of Destinations allowed in your Project. Destinations that are linked to multiple Flows.
will count for the number of links they have in this Project.
Allowed Device types
Allowed Network types
The type of networks that are available in this Project.
You can find applicable restrictions on the Project detail page of a Project.
A project has the following attributes:
UUID - the technical identifier of your project.
Name - the name you give to your project.
Description (optional) - further explanation of your project.
Creation date - the moment your project was created.
Subscription - the type of project you have, determined by what product you bought.
The Freemium Project gives you free limited access to the KPN Things Portal:
One Project in KPN Things Portal.
Access to our Device SDK to get you started with programming your Device.
Integrated KPN LoRa functionality:
Free registration of up to 3 devices to KPN's nationwide LoRaWAN network.
Free use of LoRa Geolocation.
Insight in LoRaWAN network communication.
Additionally, you can order KPN Things SIM cards to connect M2M devices to KPN Things:
Connect up to 2 M2M devices to KPN Things for free.
Data communication over HTTP (MQTT will be available in the future).
Access to our LTE-M, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G networks.
European roaming included.
Optional payload decoding for supported device types.
Forward your data to up to 3 different destinations.
KPN Things access is subject to your Terms of Use.
You can find your Projects by clicking on your Customer name in the left menu. If you are a free user, you will get one project named My first project.
Do you want to upgrade one of your Projects? Click on Upgrade.
When clicking a project you go to the Project overview page. It gives you an overview of a selected Project:
You can see the name, description and type of subscription of the selected project.
Link to the Project details.
You can also see which Flows, Devices and Destinations are part of this project.
On this page you will find technical details of your project. At the project details page, you can edit the name and description of your project yourself.
The device types that are available in your project. .
Our quick and easy explinations of various topics
We are happy to help you on your way as best as possible. Nothing is more fun than seeing a visible result in your account quick. Follow our tutorials to get of to a good start.
Showing your data in an application
Note that this sample IoT web application is for testing purposes only and not a secure solution for processing data
With this tutorial you will create a simple web application showing a map showing your tracked LoRa data. This runs an in-memory data store, so on restart the store will be reset and all recorded data will be lost. The application runs on Next.JS
As an optional step the IoT web application can be deployed to Azure Web App.
Get all the files needed for this tutorial at https://github.com/kpn-iot/c3y and save these in a local folder
Go to the folder 'c3y' and install: npm i
Build: npm run build
Start server in production mode: npm start
(optional) Seed with dummy data: ./postDummyData.sh
Enable XHR Redirect in your webhook (tested in Firefox & Chrome, does NOT work in Safari):
Target: http://localhost:3000/api/lora
Content Type: application/json
Send a location message using the device simulator.
Go to http://localhost:3000/ and click UPDATE.
You should see the location update with the location you have sent via the device simulator.
Install azcli: brew install azure-cli (
Log into Azure, where ??? is the tenant ID from Azure Active Directory: az login --tenant ???
Deploy: az webapp up --sku B1 --location westeurope
(takes about 5 minutes)
After deployment the URL is logged
Modify the URL in the HTTPS destination created in Connect a HTTPS destination to the URL returned by Azure CLI:[generated URL]/api/lora
Inspect logs: az webapp log tail
Open [generated URL]
in the browser to see the web app
When data is sent from device to KPN Things
KPN Things Data Management is a data processing platform that enables you to connect all your KPN Things devices to all supported destinations through one standard way of data processing. This principle is visualized in the diagram below:
Read more on device support:
KPN Things Data Management supports multiple forms of connectivity to receive data from devices. When you have a KPN Things device it is already configured to work with KPN Things Data Management.
Read more on connectivity support here:
During the optional decoding phase the device specific data protocol is transformed to the universal language of SenML. This is called decoding. Decoding for KPN Things devices and custom devices that use the KPN Things client libraries is taken care of automatically. Therefor there is automatic compatibility with the enrichment phase.
In future releases KPN will introduce data enrichment functionality in KPN Things Data Management.
After processing your data will be forwarded to one or more Destinations you have configured.
Explaining the data model of the platform.
Green bordered blocks are objects provided to you.
Green filled blocks are objects you can create and manage.
Grey bordered blocks are objects globally managed by the system.
If you have an account on KPN Things Data Management, it belongs to a Customer account. All main objects in the KPN Things Data Management belong to a Customer: Projects, Devices, Destination and Network subscriptions.
A Network subscription contains information for network types for a specific client. Learn more about connectivity types.
Each Project defines a solution you buy or build in KPN Things. Learn more about Projects.
With a Flow you link one or more devices to one or more plugs. So, if data is received from a device in a device group, its data will be forwarded to the plugs that are in the same device group.
A project has one or multiple activated decoders and encoders. These decoders prescribe which decoders should be used when data is received by a device that is in a device group that belongs to this project. Learn more about Flows.
A Device represents a single physical device that can send data to the platform. When creating a device you tell the system the device specification it belongs to.
A Device specification has one or multiple supported network types. For all our supported device types, go to Devices.
For a device, you can create a Network info for each supported network type of the given device specification.
A Destination allows you to forward the data from your devices to an external system. For detailed information go to Destinations.
When data is sent to the device
All downlink communication is requested on and managed by the Actuator API. Optionally a Destination can request and manage downlink communication as well. See Destination types to learn which destinations can support downlink communication.
After a downlink is requested on the Actuator API it is encoded. Meaning the downlink is translated to a message the device will understand. After encoding the downlink is send over the selected network to your device.
The network (and the device) will report feedback about the delivery of the downlink to the Actuator API. This information can be retrieved by the application, or the Things Connector fetches this information into your system.
Using the KPN Things Portal, you can request downlinks, and check their progress. Learn how you can send a downlink in the KPN Things Portal or read getting started on sending a downlink to a LoRa Device via Things Portal.
Since December 2020 it is also possible to directly call the Actuator API. Head on over to the API access documentation for more information!
Using our encoders the downlink request is translated to a device specific message. All available encoders are specified per device type.
Currently the following networks are supported for downlink communication:
LoRa downlink
HTTP response downlink for M2M devices
HTTP response downlink for Internet-connected devices
Some Destination types also support sending downlinks.
The KPN Things Platform is the bridge between IoT Devices and IoT Applications. It offers a unified way of connecting Devices at the one side, and applications at the other side, making Devices and applications completely interchangeable in every IoT solution that uses KPN Things.
Devices can communicate with the platform using one of our networks, LoRa or M2M (2G/3G/4G/LTE-M), or a Device using another network can get its data to and from KPN Things over the Internet.
Communication from your Device is called uplink communication. When data or instructions are sent to your Device, it is called downlink communication. The communication within KPN Things Platform uses the SenML data protocol. Devices using other languages can be translated from and to SenML using encoders and decoders.
KPN Things will connect to your application through a dedicated connection layer. To connect your application to KPN Things you can use one of the available Destination types. We support connecting plain HTTPS endpoints to KPN Things, but if you are developing in Microsoft Azure, you can connect directly to the Azure Event Hub.
The Destination types that support 'management' connect on a platform level and can also manage objects in the application. The Cumulocity destination for instance will create Device objects in the Cumulocity tenant for each Device that KPN Things sends data of.
The KPN Things Portal is the web application through which you can manage and monitor almost all parts of the KPN Things solutions. You can manage each part of the KPN Things solution, from Device to Destination, to bring your IoT data from the real world to the digital world. You are also able to use KPN Things API's directly to manage your IoT solutions.
The KPN Things Portal is the visual interface with which you configure your solutions on the KPN Things Data Management platform.
To manage your IoT solution you use Flows and in a Flow you link Devices, configure Data Processing and set up Destinations together. See how these components relate to each other in the Management Data model. Since network configuration, or Connectivity, is part of the Device in KPN Things, a Flow expresses the complete way how IoT data should be received, processed and forwarded, from the Device to the Destination and vice versa.
There are 2 types of accounts: a KPN Developer account and a MijnKPN Zakelijk account.
Both types of account are part of our GRIP platform. Grip is developed by KPN to provide secure and easy access to your (KPN) applications. Through the GRIP Portal you can manage your KPN application subscriptions and you can perform user management. The exact functionality you have in the GRIP Portal depends on the subscriptions you have for different KPN products. Learn more about GRIP.
If you have registered for free for the KPN Things Portal, you have acquired a KPN Developer account. With this free account you also get a Freemium Project.
Are you interested to use KPN Things with your company? Or do you already have a MijnKPN Zakelijk account and do you want to add KPN Things to the products you are purchasing from KPN? Please contact our sales support through iot@kpn.com for more information. Learn more about MijnKPN Zakelijk.
Do you wish to delete your account? Please send an email to iot@kpn.com with the request to be deleted from the KPN Things Portal.
Please attach a screenshot of your Profile page so we have the right information to remove your credentials from our system.
The Customer Details page can be reached through the account menu drop down (in the top right of the Portal interface).
This page shows you the details of the subscription you or your company has on KPN Things.
On this page you see the general details of your KPN Things account:
The customer details we have on you.
The unique Customer ID of your account. Useful when contacting support.
The GRIP tenant ID of your account, useful when starting to use Things API access.
You can add new users and manage your users in the GRIP Portal, which is accessible through the link: https://grip-on-it.com/.
Log into the GRIP Portal as administrator.
If you have a KPN Developer account, you will be administrator in the GRIP Portal.
If you have a MijnKPN Zakelijk account, you should ask your local administrator for access.
Learn more about the account you use to access KPN Things.
To be able to create API Keys, you need to be an administrator in the GRIP Portal.
Then, open the Admin panel using the role drop down (#1 in the screenshot), click on Identity in the side menu (#2 in the screenshot) and click on Users (#3 in the screenshot). This brings you to the User management page. Now, click Add to add a new User (#4 in the screenshot).
In the following pop-up, fill in the details of the new User. Then click Add to create your new User.
You need to give your newly created User access to the KPN Things service before you can use it. For this, click on Services and roles (#1 in the screenshot), and click on Add a service (#2 in the screenshot).
A modal will open. Click on the checkbox next to KPN Things (#1 in the screenshot), then select the desired role(s) and access level(s) (#2 in the screenshot) for your new User and hit Add (#3 in the screenshot).
Then, click Save to finally give your User access to KPN Things.
When adding new User or API key for KPN Things, one or more Roles must be selected to grant the User or API Key a set of permissions. The below list shows the available roles for KPN Things and describes what levels of access each of the roles gives to the user in KPN Things.
Things Manager Admin
Full management access to the Things Manager
To Add/Update/Remove all objects, like devices, flows, destinations etc.
Things Manager Editor
Partial management access to the Things Manager
To Add/Update objects like devices, flows, etc., but not to Remove those objects
Things Manager Read-only
Read-only access to the Things Manager
To View all objects, but not to Add/Update or Remove any of those objects
Things Support
Access to the support pages in the Things Portal
To View all support pages and documentation
Finance Read-only
Access to costs and contract in the Things Portal
To View the predicted costs of the current month and items and discounts on your contract
Learn how to forward the data from your device to your application
Now your Device is linked to the Flow!
With a Flow you configure the way your IoT data should flow through KPN Things, from device to destination. Learn more about flows.
We have already created a first empty flow for you named My first flow. You can create new flows using the Add flow button on the top right.
Click on Add Devices in the Flow overview page.
In the next screen, click Link an existing Device.
Now you see all Devices you can add to this Flow. Click on your Device to link it to the Flow.
Now your Device is linked to the Flow!
Open your Project, open your Flow, and then click Data Processing.
Click on the Device type for which you want to activate a decoder (#1 in the screenshot below). At this moment you probably have only one type of device linked to the Flow, so open that one. All available decoders are now shown (#2 in the screenshot below).
Here you can toggle on and off what (decoded) data you want to receive in your application (like indicated with #3 in the screenshot below). If you want to know more about the decoder, click on the link in the description.
For M2M devices the screen looks a little bit different. Also here you can toggle on and off decoders (e.g. #1 in the screenshot below).
Get your KPN Things device data in a Azure SQL database. This QuickStart will help you set up a KPN Things flow towards an Azure Eventhub. The Azure Eventhub is used to ingest data in to the Azure platform. An Azure Streamanalytics job will process incoming data. The data will be stored in an Azure SQL database. For this QuickStart you’ll need a KPN Things account with an active device (or download the device simulator app) and an active Azure subscription.
In this QuickStart you’ll learn how to:
Create and configure the necessary Azure resources
Create and configure Azure Eventhub
Create an Azure SQL database with appropriate data tables
Create and configure a Stream Analytics job
Setup a KPN Things Flow with Azure Eventhub destination
KPN Things Account with active device
If you don’t have an KPN Things account create a free developer account.
Azure subscription
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account.
In this section you’ll be guided through the creation and configuration of an Azure event hub, a stream analytics job and an Azure SQL database. It’s advised to create a new resource group in which to bundle these newly created resources.
The Azure EventHub is used for the ingestion of data. Don't have an Azure Event Hub yet? Head on over to the Microsoft documentation to learn to create an Azure Event Hub:
From this point, when following the link, you’ve created everything to ingest data to Azure. You have created a resource group, an Event Hubs namespace, and an event hub.
Now we have prepared the input data by creating the Event Hub. We can now proceed to the creation of the Azure SQL database for the data output. Don't have an Azure SQL database yet? Head on over to the Microsoft documentation to learn how to create an Azure SQL database:
At creation, remember to select the resource group created earlier. This way all resources for this quick start will be grouped together. Furthermore, make sure to write down the ‘Server admin login’ and ‘Password’. Under additional settings don’t select sample as we want to create our own data table later on.
When the creation of the database is complete we can create the necessary table. Go to the query editor in the Azure portal as described in the documentation link:
In the query window run the query underneath to create a new data table in the database:
When completed a new data table called eventhub will be created. Additionally, two indexes will be created to enable quick searches on ‘bn’ and ‘bt’. These columns will hold the KPN Things device identifier and measurement timestamp. The newly created data table will be visible in the left view under tables.
At this point you’ve created the data input and the data output by leveraging an Event Hub and an Azure SQL database. In the next step we’ll set up the data stream from input to output by using Azure Streamanalytics.
Now we have prepared the input data by creating the Event Hub and the data output by creating an Azure SQL data store. Now let’s set up Streamanalytics to tie it all together.
The following Microsoft quickstart will guide you through the creation of an streamanalytics job. The entire article describes the usage of an iothub for input data and blob storage for output. Remember in this quickstart we will be using Eventhub for input and Azure SQL database as output.
At ‘Configure job input’ select Event Hub and point to the Eventhub created earlier. Use ‘eventhubinput’ as alias.
At ‘Configure job output’ select SQL database and point to the Azure SQL database created earlier. Set the database table to ‘eventhub’ to match the table created during the previous step. Use ‘sqloutput’ as alias.
At ‘Define the transformation query’ select Query and update with the query underneath. Make sure you are using the input and output aliases as created under input and output
Now Save your input and start the Stream Analytics job.
At this point you’ve created a data ingestion point (Event Hub) a streaming data processor (Stream analytics job) and data storage (Azure SQL database) . In the next step we’ll connect KPN Things to Azure!
Let’s put things together! Now everything is set up in Azure all we need to do is setup a data flow in KPN Things. This Flow will send device data towards an Azure Event Hub destination.
Go to KPN Things and add a flow and give it a name and description
Link new or existing device(s)
Now go back to the flow and set up the data processing by enabling the decoders for the selected device
Add a destination for the flow. Select ‘Create new Destination’. Fill in all necessary details related to the Azure event hub created in Step 1. Don’t know where to find all the required parameters? Follow the instructions below:
When all parameters are set the destination should be active. You should now have a working KPN Things Flow towards Azure Event hub.
You’ve created your first flow towards Azure. All Data produced by the devices in the flow will now be sent to Azure, get processed by the Stream Analytics Job and will be stored in the Azure SQL database.
The cost overview and contract described here are not available yet, but will be coming soon!
Users with an Explorer or Modular contract can view their contract and costs per billing cycle in the KPN Things Portal. To view the costs and contract, enable access by assigning the Finance Read-only role to your users in GRIP. See Roles and Access Levels on the Customer accounts & users page.
To see an overview of the costs per billing cycle, click on your Customer name in the menu on the left. The Account card should show an item called Costs overview if at least one of your projects has an Explorer or Modular contract.
Click on the item Costs overview to navigate to the Costs Overview page. This page shows the costs that will end up on your invoices in a table and a chart. The costs are split per type; one time costs such as hardware, recurring costs, and usage. The costs are shown with any applicable discounts subtracted.
Click on a row in the Costs table or on one of the bars in the chart to navigate to the Costs Details page of that billing cycle.
Under Base details, some information about the billing cycle is shown. The items and discounts are shown under Items and Discounts. The costs for the current month are a forecast of the next invoice and will be updated periodically during the billing cycle. Keep in mind that the actual invoice may contain additional costs and/or discounts not visible on this page.
The buttons Previous and Next above the card on the right allow you to navigate to the previous or next billing cycle.
Each project can have a contract linked by an operator of KPN. Navigating to the Project Overview page of that project shows the Project card with an item with the name of the contract.
Click on the contract line to navigate to the Contract Details. Under Base details, some general information about the contract is shown.
Under Implementation, it is shown to which project the contract is linked. The items and discounts are shown per charge type, which can be one time, recurring, or usage. The items are subsequently grouped per product family. The regular price of each item is shown in the column Unit price in each row with a bold name. Optional tiered discounts is shown below each row to which it applies. The actual discount depends on the quantity, whose range is shown in the columns From and To. These columns are visible only if the contract has at least one item which has tiered discounts.
💎 Add-on feature This feature is only available when purchased the Customer Management add-on. Please contact iot@kpn.com if your are interested!
With Customer Management, you get the possibility to manage your own customers using separate customer environment in KPN Things. It is an extra administrative layer in the KPN Things Portal.
If you have Customer Management enabled in your KPN Things license, you will have an additional link in your side menu: All Customers (as indicated in the screenshot below). Click on it to open your customer list.
After clicking All Customers in the side menu, you will get an overview of all your customers.
In the screenshot the following elements are highlighted:
The number of Customers in your current view and your total number of Customers.
The company name of your Customer.
The name of the primary contact of your Customer.
The number of Projects your Customer has.
The number of Devices your Customer has.
The number of Destinations your Customer has.
A quick link to the All Devices page of your Customer.
Clicking on a row in the table will direct you to the Customer details page of the selected Customer.
A search bar to search for a specific Customer name.
After opening one of your Customers, your submenu will change. The top part will stay the same and will provide you a way back to your own Customer environment (#1 in the screenshot below). The bottom part of the side menu will now show you navigation for the environment of your Customer (#2 in the screenshot below), allowing you to open and/or manage the objects in the environment of your Customer.
Adding new Customers will be added later. For now, if you want to add a new Customer, you should contact our service desk.
The Customer overview page provides you with a quick overview of the environment of your customer.
On this page you find:
A summary of the properties of your Customer.
A link to the Customer details.
The number of Projects of your Customer and a link to those Projects.
The number of Devices of your Customer and a link to those Devices.
The number of Destinations of your Customer and a link to those Destinations.
Quick links to add new objects to your Customer (buttons are disabled if you do not have rights)
After switching to the Customer environment, you see the Customer details page. This page gives you a quick overview of the Customer details, like name and email address.
One of the main use cases in the Internet of Things is tracking of assets. Therefore KPN Things has location data at the core of its design, especially if you take into account the wide variety of tracking hardware we sell.
We consider two different types of determining the location of your Device:
Localization: really determining the absolute location of your Device on the world.
Detection: detecting the presence of your Device with an anchor in the world which has a known location. With this you can safely say your Device is close to the anchor.
Using multiple measurements in a single domain to try to approximate the location of the device.
The following measurement values are outputted by KPN Things:
radius (if available)
The device determines location using GPS. An implementation works for a given device and decoder.
Device: Should have a GPS module and send GPS location.
Decoder: A decoder for each device type that sends GPS data (unless a Things protocol is used)
The LoRa network determines the approximate location of the device using three or more fine timestamps calculated by the gateways. An implementation works for all LoRa devices.
Network: Should be KPN LoRa with a geo-enabled connectivity plan
Decoder: LoRa Geolocation decoder should be enabled.
There should be WiFi infrastructure, dense enough for a device to pick up multiple access points. A device should scan for available WiFi access points and send their MAC-address and received signal strength to Things DM. Things DM should then decode the payload whereafter an external service can be called to resolve the measurements to a latitude and longitude.
Device: Device should be able to scan for WiFi access points
Decoder: A decoder for each device type that scans for WiFi access points (unless a Things protocol is used)
Processing: A WiFi Localization processor should translate incoming WiFi MAC+RSSI measurements to a latitude, longitude and radius using an external service.
Trying to detect another identifiable object with a known location and using the location of that object as approximate location of the device.
The LoRa network forwards the identifier of the best receiving gateway. Using the user-administrated location of this gateway the general location of the device is determined.
Network: Should be KPN LoRa.
Decoder: Metadata embedded in the DevEUI_uplink message from Thingpark should be accepted as information to be processed in Things DM.
Processing: One LoRa Metadata decoder for location detection using LoRa Gateway ID
There should be managed infrastructure of Bluetooth beacons that transmit their identifier in a known manner. The locations of these beacons should be administrated in an (out-of-scope) application. There should be devices being able to detect the beacon and send the beacon identifier to Things.
Device: There should be a beacon device transmitting a Bluetooth beacon. There should be another device picking up the beacon and sending its identifier to Things.
Decoder: A decoder for each device type that sends a bluetooth beacon ID (unless a Things protocol is used)
Processing: trancelate beacon to coordinates.
Each company has a Customer Account. You can create multiple users within this Customer Account.
Projects describe your commercial plan and available features. One Customer Account can have multiple projects.
Upon request we can create a 'Reseller account' account for you, so that you can manage IoT solutions for your customers. Learn more about Customer management
Learn how to send an instruction (downlink) to your LoRa Device
Note that for this tutorial you need to use a LoRa device.
Go to the All Devices page and click on the device you want to send a downlink to.
Open the Send Instruction tab. There you will find the input fields to send a downlink to your LoRa device:
FPort: is the LoRa application port on which to send the data. If you don't use application ports on your device, you can just use 1
Payload: is the data you want to send to your device, written in hexadecimal characters. You could use for instance 010203
Click Submit to request the downlink to be sent to the device.
After requesting the downlink, under Status Downlink your downlink will have appeared. Maybe you first see your downlink with the PENDING status, meaning it is still being processed, but if you hit the refresh button (#2 in the screenshot) you should see it switching to EXECUTING.
Queuing At most one downlink can be in EXECUTING at a time. When you submit more downlinks, they will stay in the PENDING state and they will be processed "first in first out". You can have at most 5 downlinks in PENDING. As long as a downlink is in PENDING mode, you can cancel it. If you do so, it will not be send anymore and the status will change to CANCELLED.
Learn more about downlink statuses.LoRa Downlinks sent through KPN Things are always Confirmed downlinks. That way we trigger an Acknowledgement (ACK) from the device in the next uplink, and with that information we can determine whether a downlink was received or not.
Click on the refresh button (#1 in the screenshot) to refresh your Data History table. There should now be an uplink record following your downlink record that contains an ACK (#2 in the screenshot).
If the uplink containing the ACK was not received by the network, you will see your downlink is still in EXECUTING. When a next uplink is received we conclude the downlink as FAILED, since we do not know for sure whether the downlink has been received. You could state that the quality of service for downlinks through KPN Things is "at least once".
If you switch back to the Send Instruction tab, you should see that the status of your requested downlink has switched to DELIVERED. That means the acknowledgement has been received by the network.
You can also send downlinks by API calls
Are you interested in sending downlinks to your Devices through API calls? That is also possible! Head on over to our API access to learn how.
Learn how to connect your application through HTTPS
You can use KPN Things Destinations to forward your device data to any supported platform or destination. The tool Webhook.site is used for this tutorial. Although we have good experience with this tool, KPN is not responsible for the proper working of the tool.
Go to https://webhook.site. Webhook.site is a service with which you can easily inspect incoming HTTP requests. When vising the site it will automatically create a unique HTTPS endpoint for you. Use the Copy to clipboard button that is highlighted in the screenshot below to copy the URL of your new endpoint.
Go to the Flows > My first flow and click Link destination
Choose Create a new Destination.
Select HTTPS endpoint as destination type.
After selecting HTTPS Endpoint, fill in the following information:
Destination name: you can think of a good recognisable name for your first destination, like My First Destination.
URL: this should be the URL you just copied from webhook.site.
Shared secret: this is a kind of password that an application should use to verify that KPN Things sent the data to the endpoint. It should be at least 32 characters long and should contain at least an uppercase character, lowercase character, digit, and special character.
Send a test message, e.g. by using the Device simulator app. You should see incoming information on your webhook.
You successfully set up your first IoT solution!
To continue learning you can continue with: