Analyse and manage your devices
The Devices Landing Page in the KPN Things platform provides an overview and management interface for all your registered devices.
Search and Filter: At the top, there’s a search bar that allows you to quickly find specific devices by name or other attributes. You can also apply filters to narrow down the devices based on type, status, or other criteria.
Add a New Device: You can manually add a new device by clicking on the "Add new Device" button. This will guide you through the process of registering a new device with details such as its type, unique ID, and configurations.
Bulk Management Options:
Bulk by CSV File: This is a key feature that allows you to upload multiple devices at once using a CSV file. You can use this feature to save time when you need to add or manage large numbers of devices at once.
Firmware Management: This option lets you add new firmware version on your devices. Keeping firmware updated is important for security and functionality improvements.
In the KPN Things Portal it is possible to perform certain actions in bulk, meaning a single actions is performed on multiple objects at the same time. The following operations are currently supported as bulk action:
Add Devices to a Flow in the Link Devices to Flow page.
Add Devices to a Flow in the All Devices page.
Remove Devices from a Flow in the Devices in Flow page.
All historical bulk operations can be found on the Bulk Report page, directly accessible through the side menu in the KPN Things Portal. This page shows you all executed bulk operations and their results.
By clicking on a specific Bulk report you open its details.
The Bulk report detail page shows you every operation of the bulk action and whether the result was successful or not. This allows you to review past bulk operations and maybe fix some things if necessary.
If you are interested in automating an administrative operation in the KPN Things Portal, you could also look in to KPN Things API access, allowing you to write your own scripts to perform certain actions in your KPN Things account.
Editing devices in large numbers
Next to the device list, you will see options for bulk actions, like activating or deactivating your M2M devices, or editing device settings in batches. These actions can be initiated by selecting multiple devices from the list or by uploading a CSV file that contains the necessary device information.
You can easily download the Devices - Data result set by clicking the Download icon just below the Search icon.
This will generate CSV file, containing all devices in the current selection. The CSV file will contain the measurements accompanied with the timestamp of that specific measurement.
Click on the Bulk by CSV file button.
This step opens the process for uploading multiple devices at once via a CSV file. This saves time since you don’t need to add each device individually.
You are asked to upload a CSV file with the device data. Ensure that the structure of the file matches the template exactly, which you can download. Use a comma (,) as the CSV separator.
After uploading the CSV file, it will be validated.
This screen gives you feedback on the validation. All devices with valid data are displayed, and devices with errors won’t be processed. The system checks fields such as IMEI, ICCID, and other required fields.
After validation, choose the target project and flow where the new devices should be added. You can also specify the device details, such as the device type.
Here, you define the project and flow in which the new devices will be processed. You can also choose the type of devices being added, for example, M2M devices or another type.
Click on Add new M2M Devices to start adding the devices.
The system will now begin adding the devices. You can monitor the process by following the progress in the Bulk reports where you can see if all devices were successfully created.
Change your connectivity profile
The LoRa Connectivity configuration page gives you the opportunity to choose the connectivity profile that best suits your application.
The Devices overview provide you with a list of all devices als the connectivity used.
Click on Devices to show the device overview on the Things Manager tab
Search for a device Name of DevEUI to find the device and click the icon to open the Device and Connectivity details
Or click on the icon to open the Device and Connectivity directly in your device overview list
Click on the Connectivy Plan name to go to the LoRa Connectivity configuration section
Or open the LoRa tab and scroll down to the LoRa Connectivity configuration section
Click Edit LoRa Connectivity configuration
The page show an overview of the current connecivity settings for this device
Want to learn more about the different settings how they work then click the link to go to the documentation about LoRa connectivity configuration
The connectivity plan can be updated here, by selecting the Connectivity plan selection box a new dialog opens In this dialog all available connectivity plans are shown, it shows per connectivity plan if it includes geolocation.
Can't find a tab called "Device graph"?
It shows up automatically if keeping Device data history has been turned on in your Customer settings. You can also or create a ticket via 'mijnkpnzakelijk' if you have any questions.
In the current portfolio KPN uses 2 types non rechargeable batteries, 3.0 Volt and 3.6 Volt. There is 1 type rechargeable battery, the 3.7 Volt.
Non rechargeable batteries 3.0V and 3.6V Both the 3.0 and 3.6 type battery will be around the voltage of 3.0V or 3.6 Volt for a long time during their lifespan.
The course has a stable behaviour during the discharge process.
Slight fluctuations in voltage are caused by changes in the internal impedance of the battery which arise when the battery is in rest and becomes active when transmitting data and the power consumption by sensor readings. The ambient temperature is also a factor of importance in these fluctuations.
In the final phase of the battery life, the fluctuations to lower values will be more severe because the battery has more difficulty recovering from the passive to active state when the internal impedance of the battery is increasing.
In the final phase also the stable character will disappear and once the decline has started, it will proceed relatively faster.
How long a device will be able to work on a battery at the end of its lifespan depends on the number and current use of messages and sensor readings initiated by the device per day.
And here too, the ambient temperature is an important factor. Rechargeable LiPo The rechargeable battery has a voltage range from 3.7 Volts to fully charged around 4.2 Volts.
During consumption, the voltage will decrease and with this rechargeable type the degree of discharge is also influenced by the load and the ambient temperature.
A rechargeable battery has a slightly greater drop in voltage in the first phase of the discharge process and more as the battery reaches the end of its lifespan. Between those two phases the drop will be gradual.
If the battery reaches a voltage below 3.6 Volts, it is advisable to charge the battery to ensure proper functioning of the device.
This is a place holder