Check the operational status of our platforms in case of issues
The Real-time status page provides you with the current operational status of our platforms.
Click on Incidents in the menu for an overview of the status of our platforms
If Overall status is OPERATIONAL all underlaying items are functional
All major incidents are shown in the overview with one of the statuses below
Under investigation but no cause has yet been found
We found the cause, we are going to apply a fix
We applied a fix and monitor if the platform remains stable
Everything is working fine again
All operational actions are done, we have taken up the learnings to improve our services
This is the date and time of the last update of the incident
The information on this page is also available on statuspage.kpnthings.com in case the Things Portal itself is inaccessible and also more detailed updates on the incident are available
Scroll down on the Real-time status page to check what subsystem is impacted.
You don't like the Unicorn icon? We don't blame you! It's our daily reminder to provide our Developers with clear specifications to enable them to build a great platform ;-) .
Below the KPN Things Incidents overview more details are available to show which service has been affected.
Cisco Control Center API
There is a disruption to the API, please use Cisco Control Center as a workaround when possible
Cisco Control Center Portal
There is a disruption at the Cisco Control Center portal, please use Things Portal as a workaround when possible
KPN Things API
There is a disruption to the API, please use KPN Things Portal as a workaround when possible
KPN Things Engine
There is a disruption of the KPN Things backend that results in not receiving data for customers that use Flows
There is no workaround available for Freemium, Explorer and Modular subscriptions. In this case M2M data will be lost. LoRa data will be buffered and forwarded after the incident is resolved.
KPN Things Portal
There is a disruption to the user interface of Things Portal, please use the KPN Things API when possible or wait with making changes until the incident is resolved
LoRa Connectivity
There is a disruption of the whole or a large part of the LoRa network
There is no workaround available for LoRa network interuptions. Depending on the type of disruption, it may be possible that data will still be delivered after the incident is resolved.
M2M Connectivity
There is a disruption of the whole or a large part of the M2M networks of KPN in the Netherlands
M2M Roaming Connectivity
There is a disruption in the roaming domain or with a roaming partner.
There is no workaround. We are aware of the impact of disruptions in the domain of our roaming partners for you as a user. We report this as an incident to our partner to solve the issue.
All help and resources in one place
The support page provides access to all service related items. Here you can submit a request for information of report a service disruption.
The options shown differ based on the subscription type.
These support items are available for everyone
Support tooling avaible for Modular and Tailored subscriptions
We will always be there to help you, contact us if you have any questions
When support is needed, click on the Contact Support tile. This opens the General inquiries form.
Choose the subject so that your question will be directed to someone who knows the subject.
General Inquiry
Any general question, you can ask us anything about the product.
Technical Inquiry
Having trouble setting up the environment, or have a deep technical question? Please ask us and our support team will help you getting up to speed
Sales Inquiry
Do you have any questions about prices or upgrading a subscription? We will help you find the right solution.
The product is built with the user in mind! Do you have any suggestions that will help us further improve the platform? Let us know.
All documents and manuals in one overview
The documents page provides you with documentation and manuals about our services.
Click on Knowledge Base in the menu for an overview of the available documentation
The highlighted documents contain important information and are shown in tiles
All other documentations about a topic are listed below the tiles
Every header indicates another topic, scroll down to check for more subjects
Use the search field to look for specific topics
This online KPN Things User Guide can be accessed through this link
Scroll down on the Documents page to check for all documentation grouped by topic.
We keep you updated about our platform and connectivity and planned maintenance
The news page provides you with all relevant information.
Click on News in the menu to see all news items under All News
Click on the title of a news item to open and read the full article
Use the search field to look for specific topics
This is the date the article is published, in case of maintenance check for the execution date in the full article
Scroll down on the News page to check for a comprehensive list of older articles.
We are proud to inform you about all the new features of our platforms
The Release Notes page provides you with all new features and items we fixed or improved.
Click on the Release Notes links on the News page
All releases come with a version number as reference in case you have questions
The items of changes and fixes in the according release are stated below every version number
This is the date the article is published
Use the search field to look for specific topics
In case Cisco Control Center is used you have the option to select for Release notes Cisco to see the information related to the platform
Scroll down on the Release Notes page to check for a comprehensive list of earlier releases.
Create a support ticket to request for information, changes or report an issue
The Support tickets page provides you with an interface to our IoT Service Desk. This is a click out to ServiceNow to allow you to raise and edit tickets.
Support Tickets do provide Modular and Tailored subscriptions with an interface to our IoT Service Desk.
For Freemium and Explorer subscriptions we would like to refer you to Contact Support as described on the Support page via the link below.
If you have non-urgent technical questions and want to contact a specialist directly, this method can also be used by Modular and Tailored users.
To open the link and create a ticket you need the permission as shown below. Do you not have these rights? Then ask an administrator within your organization to assign this to your account in MijnKPN Zakelijk.
Click the method that matches your subscription below to contact us right away.
Like to read the Contact Support manual first? Click on the Support link below.
Support tickets can be accessed via the following options.
Click on Support Tickets in the menu
Click on the Support Tickets tile
All items with the click out icon below will be opened in a new tab in another application. Don't worry, we use Single Sign On so you can continue working without logging in.
Find a copy of your invoices
The Invoices page provides you with a copy of your invoices. This is a click out to MijnKPN Zakelijk portal to allow you to download invoices as Adobe PDF files.
Invoices do provide Modular and Tailored subscriptions with the option of a invoice history overview.
For Freemium and Explorer subscriptions we would like to refer you to Contact Support as described on the Support page via the link below in case an invoice must be provided again.
To open the link and check invoices you need the permission as shown below. Do you not have these rights? Then ask an administrator within your organization to assign this to your account in MijnKPN Zakelijk.
Click the tile below to open MijnKPN Zakelijk right away.
Invoices can be accessed via the following options.
Click on Invoices in the menu
Click on the Invoices tile
All items with the click out icon below will be opened in a new tab in another application. Don't worry, we use Single Sign On so you can continue working without logging in.
All methods to get in touch with us
The Contact info page provides you with all methods to contact us for questions and in case of an incident.
Click on Contact info in the menu to see all options to get in touch with us
We will always be there to help you, contact us if you have any questions
Support methods avaible for Modular and Tailored subscriptions
Best method in case of a high priority issue for Modular and Tailored subscriptions is to first create a support ticket and then call us to discuss the impact and help us to start the investigation as soon as possible.
The options shown differ based on the subscription type.
Is our service up to standards
The Service reports page provides in an overview of the availability of our service per month.
Click on SLA Reports in the menu for an overview of the availability of our services
Click on the calendar icon to choose another month to see report history
Click on the info icon for a brief explanation of the key performance indicator (KPI)
Click on a specific service for more report details on performance history
Shows the service level of a specific service for the selected month
Do you have a Modular or Tailored subscription? See your Service Level Agreement for the agreed availability.
The report details show more report details on performance history.
Choose a from date and to date to present the graphs for a certain period
The KPI Value is the measurement of an availability for the specific month
The KPI Norm is the standard we strive for and use as minimum availability standard
Click SLA Report overview to go back to the Service reports page