Introduction to Transparent API

Explaining the Transparent APIs, providing GSMA v3.2 SOAP APIs.

GSMA specification v3.2

The Transparent APIs are all part of the GSMA specification version 3.2.

The KPN RSP Gateway has not implemented all GSMA SGP.02 v3.2 API calls. Upon request more API calls can be implemented. Please contact support for more information.

On the website of GSMA the complete Remote Provisioning Architecture for Embedded UICC Technical Specification (SGP.02 v3.2) has been published.

About the Transparent APIs

We identify three types of interface for the Transparent APIs of the KPN RSP Gateway. These three types are explained in the table below.

Function call






Interaction type

Function calls




*) optional, but advised by KPN.

The following diagram illustrates the type of interactions between you and the KPN RSP Gateway.


The Transparent APIs are all SOAP APIs.


mTLS, short for mutual TLS authentication, is the mandatory authentication method for all incoming and outgoing connections of the Transparent API. Learn more about mTLS.


WS-Security is an optional additional authentication method for incoming connections. We implemented the UsernameTokenProfile as prescribed by the GSMA specifications.

Example from SGP.02_v3.2 page 276
<S11:Envelope xmlns:S11="..." xmlns:wsse="...">



Learn more about UsernameTokenProfile from the official specification.

Last updated