Google - Apps Script

This page describes how to configure a Destination in KPN Things to send your data towards Google scripts

This destination type is not yet available, it will be coming soon...

Connection details

Firstly, you need to create a Google account on on, or use your existing Google account. Then follow the instructions below to create a connection towards Google - Apps Script.

Google: How to configure a connection

1. Add new destination

  • Then select: Choose Google Apps Script

2. Fill in the blanks

3. How to configure your Google Apps Script Destination

To forward data from your devices to Google Apps Script using the KPN application, follow the steps below:

  1. Destination Name: Enter a descriptive name for your destination. This helps you easily identify the configuration later.

  2. Description (Optional): You can provide a brief description of the purpose or function of this destination. While this is optional, it can be helpful for future reference.

  3. Connection Details:

    • URL: Enter the URL of your Google Apps Script. This URL is essential for routing data to the correct script. Obtain this URL from your Google Apps Script configuration.

    • Shared Secret: The shared secret is used to verify that the data sent is from KPN Things. You can either generate a new shared secret or enter an existing one. Make sure to keep this secret secure.

  4. Implement the Shared Secret in Your Web Service: To ensure security, you need to validate the shared secret within your application. This step is crucial for verifying the integrity of the data. For detailed instructions on how to implement the shared secret, refer to the documentation.

By following these steps, you will be able to successfully configure your Google Apps Script destination and start receiving data from your devices.

Last updated