Device types

Things devices

Interested in buying some of these KPN Things devices? Head on over to for more information!

In KPN Things the Device type is used to express the connectivity and data capabilities of a Device, like whether it is a LoRa or an M2M device, and its compatibility to Data Processing components such as decoders and encoders.

KPN Things supports the following devices:

KPN Things Devices versus Supported Devices

We have two categories of Device types, namely KPN Things Devices, when you buy a Device from us, and Supported Devices, when you bring your own Device to KPN Things. Each categorie has its own set of Device Management features in the Portal.

KPN Things Devices

Supported Devices

Bring or Buy


Bring yourself

Add to / remove from Portal

Edit name and description

Activate / deactivate in Portal

Send / receive raw payload

Send commands

🟡 *

Device Twin - Reported state

Device Twin - Clear measurements

Device Twin - Desired state

🟡 *

Device Twin - Metadata

Legenda ✅ - Available for this device type. 🟡* - Configurable for your own device, coming soon. ❌ - Not available for this device type.

Last updated