This page describes how to configure a Destination in KPN Things to send your data to the Datacake cloud platform
Last updated
This page describes how to configure a Destination in KPN Things to send your data to the Datacake cloud platform
Last updated
Give your Datacake destination a name and optionally a description.
Destination name (required) - the administrative name of your Destination.
Technical name: name
Example value: My Datacake destination
Description - an administrative description of your Destination.
Technical name: description
Example value: View my device data in Datacake
Connectivity type (required) - As part of the set up you will need to choose which connectivity type to use while creating your Devices in Datacake. You can use either LoRaWAN or API with KPN Things depending on the choice of the Connectivity type in Datacake.
It is time to create a Datacake account on
Now, follow the instructions below to create an integration in your Datacake account. Keep your KPN Things Destination configuration screen open, as you will need to copy information to it later.
Log in to your Datacake account and go to Devices. There, add a new device (by clicking the "Add Device"-button in top right corner) and follow the steps below.
Choose LoRaWAN for LoRa devices that send raw payloads. For M2M devices or LoRa devices that do not send raw payloads choose API. The option LoRaWAN also offers the possibilty to send downlinks and to secure the connection between KPN Things and Datacake. For securing the connection between KPN and Datacake you can use a Shared Secret.
Click Next.
Select a New Product from Template, an Existing Product or create a new Product depending on the device type.
Click Next.
In case of LoRaWan
Select KPN as Network Server and then click Next.
In case API
There is no Network Server Selection.
Add one or more devices together with their details. This step is the same for both options (LoRaWAN/API).
Click Next
Click "Add [Number of devices] devices". This step is the same for both options (LoRaWAN/API).
After that the device(s) should appear in the Device list under Devices.
Select the device from the Device list and go to the Configuration tab.
In case of LoRaWAN
In the LoRaWAN section, click the Change button under Network Server and right next to KPN. From there copy the Uplink URL
In case of API
In the HTTP endpoint URL section copy the URL.
In this step, you need to copy/paste information from Datacake to the Datacake Destination in KPN Things. So pay attention, please.
In case of LoRaWAN
Uplink URL Paste the URL copied from Datacake mentioned under 5.
Shared Secret With the shared secret Datacake can verify that Things has sent the data and not someone else, because with the shared secret a unique Things-Message-Token is calculated for each message. In Datacake this verification can be switch on In the LoRaWAN section by clicking on the Change button under Network Server and right next to KPN (the same starting point as for obtaing the Uplink URL in case of LoRaWAN).
In case of API
HTTP endpoint URL Take the HTTP endpoint URL from the HTTP Payload Decoder section on the device Configuration tab.
Then, press Add Datacake Endpoint to save the new destination in KPN Things. Do not forget to add the newly created Datacake destination to a flow.
Now you are finished and good to go!