
Since Version 10 of the Portal (21th April '20), Plugs are called Destinations.

What is a Destination?

A Destination allows you to forward the data from your devices to another system. This could be a proprietary application or a cloud platform. When adding a Destination to KPN Things, we ask for the following information:

  • Name - A descriptive name for your Destination.

  • Description (optional) - Some more information about your Destination.

  • Destination type - The type of Destination you are adding. KPN Things supports several.

Created Destinations have additional information:

  • UUID - The technical identifier of your Destination.

  • Destination status - The operational status of your Destination.

Destination types

Currently five different Destination types are supported by KPN Things. Each Destination type has its own configuration attributes and specific working, explained on the corresponding More info page.

Destination type


Azure Event Hub

Send data from your Devices to an Azure Event Hub in SenML format.

Azure IoT Hub

Let KPN Things manage your Devices and send telemetry data in your Azure IoT Hub.

Cumulocity environment

Let KPN Things manage your Devices, send measurements and location updates to your Cumulocity environment.

HTTPS endpoint

Send data from your Devices to an HTTPS endpoint in SenML format with a method for origin verification.

MQTT broker

Let KPN Things connect to your MQTT broker and publish data from your Device to the topics you want.

Destination status



🟢 Active

The Destination is operational and will forward incoming data.

⚫ Deactivated

The Destination is (temporarily) deactivated and will not send data to the configured endpoint.

⚫ Not yet linked

Your Destination is not connected to a Flow, so no data will be exchanged with the configured endpoint.

All Destinations page

The All Destinations page can be reached by clicking on All Destinations in the side menu of the Portal.

On this page you will find:

  1. The number of Destinations you have.

  2. A table with information about all your Destinations:

    1. Their name.

    2. In which Projects they are used.

    3. To how many Flows they are linked.

  3. A button to add a new Destination.

Clicking on a row in the Destinations table will link you to the Destination detail page for that Destination.

Add new Destination

When adding a new Destination, you first have to select the type of Destination you want to add. Each Destination type has its own input form presenting you with all configuration options you have for the Destination.

Check out all available Destination types and click on More info to get more details about that Destination type. All configuration options are explained, as well as the detailed working of each Destination type.

After entering the correct values, click the Add button to add your Destination.

Destination details page

This page offers you with all detailed information about your Destination.

The elements on this page are:

  1. The name of your Destination.

  2. General information about your Destination.

  3. Status information about your Destination:

    1. The Destination status.

    2. The Flows your Destination is linked to.

  4. Button to deactivate your Destination. If your Destination is deactivated, this will be an activation button.

  5. Destination Specification tab showing you detailed information about your Destination configuration.

  6. Flows tab showing you detailed information about the Flows your Destination is linked to.

  7. A button to delete your Destination. This will completely remove your Destination from KPN Things!

Destination Specification tab

The Destination Specification tab shows you detailed information about your Destination (#1 in the screenshot below). Displayed information differs for different Destination types. The tab also offers you an Edit link to edit the configuration of your Destination (#2 in the screenshot below).

Secret values like passwords and access keys are never displayed in the Things Portal and are even not retrievable from our systems. This ensures complete security of these values.

Flows tab

The Flows tab offers you a list of all the Flows your Destination is linked to and the Project this Flow is in. You can click on a Flow to open it, or you can click on Unlink from this Flow to remove the Destination from that Flow. The option to link your Destination to another Flow from here will be added in the near future.

Last updated